planning at the start of the day tracking throughout the day recording processing at the end of the day visualizing


  • timer
  • todo today sheet
  • activity inventory sheet
  • records sheet
  1. find out how much effort an activity requires

at the beginning of the day, choose the tasks from the activity inventory, prioritize them and write them down in the todo sheet

  • start the first pomodoro a pomodoro is atomic and lasts 25 minutes if a pomodoro is interrupted, it is counted as void when the timer rings, an X is marked next to the activity and a 5 minute break taken
  • every four pomodoros take a longer break 15 - 30 minutes
  • completing an activity keep working until the activity is finished and then cross it out the following rule applies: if a pomodoro begins, it must ring. if you finish a task while the pomodoro is ticking, use the opportunity to overlearn if you finish a task in the first five minutes of the pomodoro and no review is necessary, as an exception the current pomodoro doesn't have to be included
  • recording at the end of every day, the completed pomodoros can be transferred to the record sheet and the activites deleted from the activity inventory what is recorded depends on what one wishes to observe
  • improvement how many pomodoros/week, pomodoro/task, etc
  • the nature of the pomodoro
  1. cut down on interruptions
  • internal interruptions how to free ourselves from internal interruptions?
    • make interruptions clearly visible every time you feel a potential interruption, mark an apostrophe ' on the sheet where you record pomodoros then write down a new activity on the todo sheet under unplanned & urgent if it can't be put off or write down the activity on the activiy inventory sheet, marking it with a U for unplanned and put a deadline
    • intesify determination to finish current pomodoro once you've marked the apostrophe continue working until the pomodoro rings
  • scenario as little time as possible should be spent dealing with interruptions, a few seconds at most, otherwise the pomodoro has to be considered interrupted and voided many of the distractions may prove to not be urgent at the end of the pomodoro/activity/day they
    • may be moved to the activity inventory,
    • done during longer breaks,
    • or deleted truly urgent tasks are always highlighted on the todo sheet the aim of the pomodoro technique is that the current pomodoro not be interrupted. the following options are available:
    • they can be done during the next pomodoro
    • they can be rescheduled sometime during the day
    • they can be moved from pomodoro to pomodoro until the end of the day if you have to interrupt a pomodoro, there is only one option, void the current pomodoro and mark down an apostrophe where the pomodoros are recorded. take a 5 minute break and start a new pomodoro
  • external interruptions
  • systematic interruptions
  • recording: qualitative estimation errors in planning
  1. estimate efforts for activities
  • available pomodoros
  • possible scenarios
  • recording estimates
  • managing exploration
  1. make the pomodoro more effective
  • structure of the pomodoro
  • structure of the pomodoro set
  1. set up timetable
  • best case scenario
  • scenario with interruptions
  • optimizing your timetable
  1. other objectives


  1. learning time
  2. length of a pomodoro
  3. varying length of breaks
  4. different perception of time
  5. sounds of the pomodoro
  • pomodoro users
  • people subject to the pomodoro
  1. shapes of the pomodoro