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SQL Explain

Understanding EXPLAIN’s Output

For every select, subselect or join EXPLAIN will output one row with information how the data for this part of the query will be retrieved if you execute the query.

To get real performance data the query caching has been disabled using SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF

The columns returned by the query are:

    a sequential identifier for each SELECT within the query
    (for when you have nested subqueries)
    the type of SELECT query. Possible values are:
      – the query is a simple SELECT query without any subqueries or UNIONs
      – the SELECT is in the outermost query in a JOIN
      – the SELECT is part of a subquery within a FROM clause
      – the first SELECT in a subquery
      – a subquery which is dependent upon on outer query
      – a subquery which is not cacheable
        (there are certain conditions for a query to be cacheable)
      – the SELECT is the second or later statement of a UNION
      – the second or later SELECT of a UNION is dependent on an outer query
      – the SELECT is a result of a UNION
    the table referred to by the row
    how MySQL joins the tables used.
    This is one of the most insightful fields in the output because it can
    indicate missing indexes or how the query is written should be reconsidered.
    Possible values are:
      system          - the table has only zero or one row
      const           - the table has only one matching row which is indexed.
                        This is the fastest type of join because the table only
                        has to be read once and the column’s value can be treated
                        as a constant when joining other tables.
      eq_ref          - all parts of an index are used by the join and the index
                        is PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE NOT NULL.
                        This is the next best possible join type.
      ref             - all of the matching rows of an indexed column are read for each
                        combination of rows from the previous table.
                        This type of join appears for indexed columns compared using =
                        or <=> operators.
      fulltext        - the join uses the table’s FULLTEXT index.
      ref_or_null     - this is the same as ref but also contains rows with a
                        null value for the column.
      index_merge     – the join uses a list of indexes to produce the result set.
                        The key column of EXPLAIN‘s output will contain the keys used.
      unique_subquery – an IN subquery returns only one result from the table and
                        makes use of the primary key.
      index_subquery  – the same as unique_subquery but returns more than one
                        result row.
      range           – an index is used to find matching rows in a specific
                        range, typically when the key column is compared to a
                        constant using operators like BETWEEN, IN, >, >=, etc.
      index           – the entire index tree is scanned to find matching rows.
      all             – the entire table is scanned to find matching rows for
                        the join.
                        This is the worst join type and usually indicates the
                        lack of appropriate indexes on the table.
    shows the keys that can be used by MySQL to find rows from the table,
    though they may or may not be used in practice.
    In fact, this column can often help in optimizing queries since if the
    column is NULL, it indicates no relevant indexes could be found.
    indicates the actual index used by MySQL.
    key=null means that no key was used to retrieve the data
    This column may contain an index that is not listed in the possible_key column.
    MySQL optimizer always look for an optimal key that can be used for the query.
    While joining many tables, it may figure out some other keys which is not
    listed in possible_key but are more optimal.
    To force MySQL to use or ignore an index listed in the possible_keys column,
    use FORCE INDEX, USE INDEX, or IGNORE INDEX in your query
    indicates the length of the index the Query Optimizer chose to use.
    For example, a key_len value of 4 means it requires memory to store four
    characters. Check out MySQL’s data type storage requirements to know more
    about this.
    Shows the columns or constants that are compared to the index named in the
    key column  to select rows from the table.
    MySQL will either pick a constant value to be compared or a column itself
    based on the query execution plan.
    lists the number of records that were examined to produce the output.
    In an ideal case rows should be equal with the number of results you expect.
    This Is another important column worth focusing on optimizing queries,
    especially for queries that use JOIN and subqueries.
    contains additional information regarding the query execution plan.
    Values such as “Using temporary”, “Using filesort”, etc. in this column may
    indicate a troublesome query.
    For a complete list of possible values and their meaning,
    check out the MySQL documentation.


  * Using Filesort
    Anytime a sort can’t be performed from an index, it’s a filesort.
    It has nothing to do with files. Filesort should be called “sort.”
    If the sort is bigger than the sort buffer, it is performed a bit at a time,
    and then the chunks are merge-sorted to produce the final sorted output.
    There is a lot more to it than this.


  use information_schema;
  SELECT * FROM statistics;

  SHOW INDEX FROM mytable FROM mydb;