Table of Contents
- Insert Mode
- Selections
- Goto
- Notes
- Operation
- two modes: normal and insertion
- kakoune's grammar is object followed by verb:
Insert Mode
Key | Action |
<backspace> / <del> | delete characters before / under cursors |
<home> / <end> | move cursors to line begin |
c-n / c-p | select next/previous completion candidate |
c-x | explicit insert completion query, followed by |
f | explicit file completion |
w | explicit word completion |
l | explicit line completion |
c-o | disable automatic completion for this insert session |
c-r <R> | insert contents of the register R given by next key |
c-v | insert next keystroke directly into the buffer, |
without interpreting it. | |
c-u | commit changes up to now as a single undo group. |
a-; | escape to normal mode for a single command |
- Kak works on selections: oriented/directed, inclusive range of characters.
- Selections have two ends: an anchor and a cursor character.
- Most commands move both of them, except when extending selection where the anchor character stays fixed and the cursor one moves around.
- There is always at least one selection, and a selection is always at least one character (in which case the anchor and cursor of the selections are on the same character).
- Most selection commands also support counts, which are entered before the command itself.
- Commands beginning with g are used to goto certain position and or buffer:
gh gl go to line begin/end
Gh Gl select to line begin/end
<a-h> <a-l> select to line begin/end
gi go to line begin (non blank)
gg, gk / gj go to the first/last line
ge go to last char of last line
gt / gc / gb go to the first / middle / last displayed line
ga go to the previous (alternate) buffer
gf open the file whose name is selected
g. go to last buffer modification position
<N>g go to line N
If a count is given prior to hitting g, g will jump to the given line. Using G will extend the selection rather than jump.
A word is a sequence of alphanumeric characters or underscore,
A WORD is a sequence of non whitespace characters.
For most selection commands, using shift permits extending current selection
instead of replacing it.
h / j / k / l select the character on the left/below/above/on the right of selection end
w select [word + following whitespaces] [right] of selection end
b select [preceding whitespaces + word] [left] of selection end
e select [preceding whitespaces + word] [right] of selection end
<a-[wbe]> same as [wbe] but select WORD instead of word
f / t <C> select to/until the next occurence of given character C
<a-[ft]> <C> same as [ft] but in the other direction
m / M <C> select / extend selection to matching character C
x / X select / extend selection to line on which selection end lies
(or next line when end lies on an end-of-line)
<a-x> expand selections to contain full lines (including end-of-lines)
<a-X> trim selections to only contain full lines (not including last end-of-line)
% select whole buffer
pageup pagedown scroll up / down
' rotate selections (the main selection becomes the next one)
<a-'> rotate selections backwards
; reduce selections to their cursor
<a-;> flip the selections' direction
<a-:> ensure selections are in forward direction (cursor after anchor)
<a-.> repeat last object or f/t selection command.
/ <a-/> search (select next/previous match)
? <a-?> search (extend to next/previous match)
n N [select / add a new selection to] next match
<a-n> <a-N> [select / add a new selection to] previous match
One way to get a multiselection is via the s key.
A multiselection can also be obtained with S, which splits the current
selection according to the regex entered.
To split a comma separated list, use S then ', *'
s and S share the search pattern with /, and hence entering an empty pattern
uses the last one.
As a convenience, <a-s> allows you to split the current selections on line
To clear multiple selections, use space.
To keep only the nth selection use n followed by space, in order to remove a
selection, use <a-space>.
<a-k> allows you to enter a regex and keep only the selections that contains
a match for this regex.
Using <a-K> you can keep the selections not containing a match.
C copies the current selection to the next line (or lines if a count is given)
<a-C> does the same to previous lines.
$ allows you to enter a shell command and pipe each selection to it.
Selections whose shell command returns 0 will be kept, other will be dropped.
<a-s> split current selection on line boundaries
S<re> split current selection according to regexp <re>
S,<space>* split a comma-separated list
<space> clear multiple selections
<N><space> keep only <N>th selection
<N><a-space> remove <N>th selection
<a-k> enter a regex and keep only the match
<a-K> enter a regex and keep selections not containing the match
<C> <a-C> copy the selection to the next/previos line
(lines if count is given)
$ enter shell command and pipe each selection to it
selections whose command return 0 are kept
Some keys allow you to select a text object:
<a-a> selects the whole object
<a-i> selects the inner object, that is the object excluding its surrounder.
For example, for a quoted string, this will not select the quote,
and for a word this will not select trailing spaces.
[ selects to object start
] selects to object end
{ extends selections to object start
} extends selections to object end
After this key, you need to enter a second key in order to specify which
object you want.
b, ( or ) select the enclosing parenthesis
B, { or } select the enclosing {} block
r, [ or ] select the enclosing [] block
a, < or > select the enclosing <> block
" or Q select the enclosing double quoted string
' or q select the enclosing single quoted string
` or g select the enclosing grave quoted string
w select the whole word
W select the whole WORD
s select the sentence
p select the paragraph
␣ select the whitespaces
i select the current indentation block
n select the number
u select the argument
: select user defined object, will prompt for open and close text.
For nestable objects, a count can be used in order to specify which
surrounding level to select.
i a enter insert mode before/after current selection
I A enter insert mode at current selection begin line start/end
o O enter insert mode in one (or given count) new lines below/above
current selection end/begin
y yank selections
d yank and delete current selection
c yank and delete current selection and enter insert mode
. repeat last insert mode change
(i, a, or c, including the inserted text)
p P paste after/before current selection end/begin
<a-p> paste all after current selection end, and select each pasted string.
<a-P> paste all before current selection begin, and select each pasted
R replace current selection with yanked text
r <C> replace each character with the next entered one C
<a-j> join selected lines
<a-J> join selected lines and select spaces inserted in place of line breaks
<a-m> merge contiguous selections together (works across lines as well)
<gt> (>) indent selected lines
<a-gt> indent selected lines, including empty lines
<lt> (<) deindent selected lines
<a-lt> deindent selected lines, do not remove incomplete indent (3 leading
spaces when indent is 4)
| pipe each selection through the given external filter program and
replace the selection with it’s output.
<a-|> pipe each selection through the given external filter program and
ignore its output
! insert command output before selection
a-! append command output after selection
u undo last change
a-u move backward in history
U redo last change
a-U move forward in history
& align selection, align the cursor of selections by inserting spaces
before the first character of the selection
<a-&> copy indent, copy the indentation of the main selection (or the
count one if a count is given) to all other ones
` to lower case
~ to upper case
<a->` swap case
@ convert tabs to spaces in current selections, uses the buffer
tabstop option or the count parameter for tabstop.
<a-@> convert spaces to tabs in current selections, uses the buffer
tabstop option or the count parameter for tabstop.
<a-"> rotate selections content, if specified, the count groups
selections, so 3<a-"> rotate (1, 2, 3) and (3, 4, 6) independently.
Some commands, all beginning with v permit to manipulate the current view.
vv or vc center the main selection in the window
vt scroll to put the main selection on the top line of the window
vb scroll to put the main selection on the bottom line of the window
vh scroll the window count columns left
vj scroll the window count line downward
vk scroll the window count line upward
vl scroll the window count columns right
Using V will lock view mode until <esc> is hit
Current selections position can be saved in a register and restored later on.
By default, marks use the '^' register, but using the register can be set
using "<reg> prefix.
Z will save the current selections to the register. <a-Z> will append the
current selections to the register. z will restore the selections from the
register. <a-z> will add the selections from the register to the existing ones.
Some commands, like the goto commands, buffer switch or search commands,
push the previous selections to the client’s jump list. It is possible to
forward or backward in the jump list using:
<c-i> Jump forward
<c-o> Jump backward
<c-s> save current selections
When pressing : in normal mode, Kakoune will open a prompt to enter a command.
Commands are used for non editing tasks, such as opening a buffer, writing the
current one, quitting, etc.
A few keys are recognized by prompt mode to help edit a command:
<ret> validate prompt
<esc> abandon without
<left> or <a-h> move cursor to previous character
<right> or <a-l> move cursor to previous character
<home> move cursor to first character
<end> move cursor past the last character
<backspace> or <a-x> erase character before cursor
<del> or <a-d> erase character under cursor
<c-w> advance to next word begin
<c-a-w> advance to next WORD begin
<c-b> go back to previous word begin
<c-a-b> go back to previous WORD begin
<c-e> advance to next word end
<c-a-e> advance to next word end
<up> or <c-p> select previous entry in history
<down> or <c-n> select next entry in history
<tab> select next completion candidate
<backtab> select previous completion candidate
<c-r> insert then content of the register given by next key.
<c-v> insert next keystroke without interpreting it
<c-o> disable auto completion for this prompt
Commands starting with horizontal whitespace (e.g. a space) will not be saved
in the command history.
Some commands take an exclamation mark (!), which can be used to force the
execution of the command (i.e. to quit a modified buffer, the command q! has
to be used).
cd [<directory>] change the current directory to
<directory>, or the home directory
if unspecified
doc <topic> display documentation about a topic.
The completion list displays the
available topics.
e[dit][!] <filename> [<line> [<column>]] open buffer on file, go to given
line and column. If file is already
opened, just switch to this file.
Use edit! to force reloading.
w[rite][!] [<filename>] write buffer to <filename> or use
its name if filename is not given.
If the file is write-protected, its
permissions are temporarily changed
to allow saving the buffer and
restored afterwards when the write!
command is used.
w[rite]a[ll] write all buffers that are
associated to a file.
q[uit][!] exit Kakoune, use quit! to force
quitting even if there is some
unsaved buffers remaining.
kill[!] terminate the current session, all
the clients as well as the server,
use kill! to ignore unsaved buffers
w[a]q[!] write the current buffer (or all
buffers when waq is used) and quit
b[uffer] <name> switch to buffer <name>
b[uffer]n[ext] switch to the next buffer
b[uffer]p[rev] switch to the previous buffer
d[el]b[uf][!] [<name>] delete the buffer <name>
source <filename> execute commands in <filename>
colorscheme <name> load named colorscheme.
rename-client <name> set current client name
rename-buffer <name> set current buffer name
rename-session <name> set current session name
echo [options] <text> show <text> in status line, with the
following options:
-color <face> print the given text with <face>,
most commonly Error or Information
-markup expand the markup strings in <text>
-debug print the given text to the
*debug* buffer
nop does nothing, but as with every
other commands, arguments may be
evaluated. So nop can be used for
example to execute a shell command
while being sure that it’s output
will not be interpreted by kak.
:%sh{ echo echo tchou } will echo
tchou in Kakoune, whereas
:nop %sh{ echo echo tchou } will
not, but both will execute the shell
Multiple commands can be separated either by new lines or by semicolons, as
such a semicolon must be escaped with \; to be considered as a literal
semicolon argument.
When entering a command, parameters are separated by whitespace (shell like),
if you want to give parameters with spaces, you should quote them.
'strings' uninterpreted strings, you can use \' to escape the separator,
every other char is itself.
"strings" expanded strings, % strings (see Expansions) contained are
expended. Use \% to escape a % inside them, and \\ to escape a
%{strings} these strings are very useful when entering commands
the { and } delimiters are configurable: you can use any non alphanumeric
character, e.g. %[string], %<string>, %(string), %~string~, %!string!.
if the character following the % is one of {[(<,
then the closing one is the matching }])> and the delimiters are not escapable
but are nestable.
A special kind of %{strings} can be used, with a type between % and the
opening delimiter (which cannot be alphanumeric).
These strings are expanded according to their type.
For example %opt{autoinfo} is of type 'opt'.
'opt' expansions are replaced by the value of the given option (here autoinfo).
Supported types are:
sh shell expansion, similar to posix shell $(…) construct
reg register expansion, will be replaced by the content of the given register
opt option expansion, will be replaced with the value of the given option
val value expansion, gives access to the environment variable available to
the Shell expansion. The kak_ prefix is not used there
arg argument expansion, gives access to the arguments of the current
command, the content can be a number, or @ for all arguments
The %sh{…} expansion replaces its content with the output of the shell
commands in it. It is similar to the shell $(…) syntax and is evaluated only
when needed.
For example: %sh{ ls } is replaced with the output of the ls command.
Some of Kakoune state is available through environment variables:
kak_selection content of the main selection
kak_selections content of the selection separated by colons,
colons and backslashes in the selection contents
are escaped with a backslash.
kak_selection_desc range of the main selection, represented as
anchor,cursor; anchor and cursor are in this
format: line.column
kak_selections_desc range of the selecations separated by colons
kak_bufname name of the current buffer
kak_buffile full path of the file or same as kak_bufname when
there’s no associated file
kak_buflist the current buffer list, each buffer separated by
a colon
kak_timestamp timestamp of the current buffer, the timestamp is
an integer value which is incremented each time
the buffer is modified.
kak_runtime directory containing the kak binary
kak_count count parameter passed to the command
kak_opt_<name> value of option <name>
kak_reg_<r> value of register <r>
kak_session name of the current session
kak_client name of current client
kak_source path of the file currently getting executed
(through the source command)
kak_cursor_line line of the end of the main selection
kak_cursor_column column of the end of the main selection (in byte)
kak_cursor_char_column column of the end of the main selection (in character)
kak_cursor_byte_offset offset of the main selection from the beginning
of the buffer (in byte).
kak_window_width width of the current kakoune window
kak_window_height height of the current kakoune window
kak_hook_param filtering text passed to the currently executing hook
kak_hook_param_capture_N text captured by the hook filter regex capture N
kak_client_env_<name> value of the <name> variable in the client
Example: $kak_client_env_SHELL is the SHELL variable
Note that in order to make only needed information available, Kakoune needs to
find the environment variable reference in the shell script executed.
Hence, %sh{ ./script.sh } with script.sh referencing an environment variable
will not work.
In certain context, kakoune can take a markup string, which is a string
containing formatting informations. In these strings, syntax {facename} will
enable the face facename until another face gets activated (or the end of the
Literal { shall be written \{, and literal \ that precede a { shall be written \\
Registers are named lists of text.
They are used for various purposes, like storing the last yanked text, or
the captured groups associated with the selections.
Yanking and pasting uses the register ", however most commands using a
register can have their default register overridden by using the " key
followed by the register. For example "sy will yank (y command) in the s
register. "sp will paste from the s register.
While in insert mode or in a prompt, <c-r> followed by a register name
(one character) inserts it.
For example,
<c-r> followed by " will insert the currently yanked text.
<c-r> followed by 2 will insert the second capture group from the last regex selection.
Registers are lists, instead of simply text in order to interact well with
multiselection. Each selection has its own captures or yank buffer.
Alternate names
Non alphanumeric registers have an alternative name that can be used in
contexts where only alphanumeric identifiers are possible.
Special registers
Some registers are not general purposes, they cannot be written to, but they
contain some special data:
% (percent) current buffer name
. (dot) current selection contents
# (hash) selection indices (first selection has 1, second has 2, …)
_ (underscore) null register, always empty
Default registers
Most commands using a register default to a specific one if not specified:
" (dquote) default yank register, used by yanking and pasting commands
like y, p and R
/ (slash) default search register, used by regex based commands like
s, * or /
@ (arobase) default macro register, used by q and Q
^ (caret) default mark register, used by z and Z
| (pipe) default shell command register, used by command that spawn a
subshell such as |, <a-|>, ! or <a-!>
Macros are recorded with the Q key, and are stored by default in the @
register. Another register can be chosen by with hitting "<reg> before the Q
To replay a macro, use the q key.
Multiple selections as a central way of interacting
Powerful selection manipulation primitives
Select all regex matches in current selections
Keep selections containing/not containing a match for a given regex
Split current selections with a regex
Text objects (paragraph, sentence, nestable blocks)
Powerful text manipulation primitives
Align selections
Rotate selection contents
Case manipulation
Piping each selection to external filter
Client-Server architecture
Multiple clients on the same editing session
Use tmux or your X11 window manager to manage windows
Simple interaction with external programs
Automatic contextual help
Automatic as you type completion
Syntax Highlighting
Supports multiple languages in the same buffer
Highlight a buffer differently in different windows
- http://kakoune.org/
- http://kakoune.org/why-kakoune/why-kakoune.html
- https://github.com/danr/libkak
- https://github.com/hiberno/kakrc/tree/master/.config/kak
- https://github.com/mawww/config
- https://github.com/mawww/golf
- https://github.com/mawww/kak-ycmd
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune#key-mapping
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/blob/master/doc/design.asciidoc
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/issues/249
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/Avoid-the-escape-key
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/How-To
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/Implementing-user-mode
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/Migrating-from-Vim
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/Migrating-from-Vim-popular-plugins
- https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/wiki/Normal-mode-commands
- https://github.com/search?q=kakrc&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93
- https://lobste.rs/s/gwdwjb/why_kakoune_quest_for_better_code_editor
- https://www.reddit.com/r/kakoune/
%sword<ret>creplacement<esc> Global replace
% selects the entire buffer,
s opens a prompt for a regex
<ret> validates the regex and replaces the
selection with one per matches
(hence, all occurences of word are selected)
c deletes the selection contents and enters
insert mode, replacement is typed and goes
back to normal mode.
replace in current curly braces block:
delete to line end
alt-ld or Gld
+line[:column] open at line:column
+: open and send cursor to the last line
-n do not load resource
-l list existing sessions
-d run as a headless session
-e <command> execute command after initialization fase
-f <keys> enter filter mode and execute keys on the files passed as
-q when in filter mode, don't print any errors
-p <session_id> send the commands written on the standard input to the session
-c <session_id> connect to the session
-s <session_id> set the current session name to session_id
-ui <type> select the user interface
ncurses: default terminal user interface
dummy: empty user interface not displaying anything
json: json-rpc based user interface that writes json on
stdout and read keystrokes as json on stdin.
-clear remove sessions that terminated in an incorrect state
-ro enter in readonly mode
two directories containing Kakoune’s scripts:
runtime: located in ../share/kak/ relative to the kak binary contains the
system scripts
userconf: located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kak/, which defaults to
$HOME/.config/kak/ on most systems, containing the user
1 ../share/kak/kakrc
2 $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kak/autoload/*.kak
3 ../share/kak/autoload/*.kak
4 $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kak/kakrc
1 Unless -n is specified, Kakoune will load its startup script located at
${runtime}/kakrc relative to the kak binary. This startup script is
responsible for loading the user configuration.
2 First, Kakoune will search recursively for .kak files in the autoload
directory. It will first look for an autoload directory at
${userconf}/autoload and will fallback to ${runtime}/autoload if it does
not exist.
3 Once all those files are loaded, Kakoune will try to source
${runtime}/kakrc.local which is expected to contain distribution provided
4 And finally, the user configuration will be loaded from ${userconf}/kakrc.
If you create a user autoload directory in ${userconf}/autoload,
the system one at ${runtime}/autoload will not be loaded anymore.
You can add a symbolic link to it (or to individual scripts) inside
${userconf}/autoload to keep loading system scripts.
Options are typed, their type can be
int an integer number
bool a boolean value, yes/true or no/false
str a string, some freeform text
coord a line,column pair (separated by comma)
regex as a string but the set commands will complain if
the entered text is not a valid regex.
{int,str}-list a list, elements are separated by a colon ( ) if an
element needs to contain a colon, it can be escaped
with a backslash.
range-faces a : separated list of a pair of a buffer range
(<begin line>.<begin column>,<end line>.<end column>
or <begin line>.<end line>+<length>) and a face
(separated by |), except for the first element which
is just the timestamp of the buffer.
completions a : separated list of <text>|<docstring>|<menu text>
candidates, except for the first element which
follows the <line>.<column>[+<length>]@<timestamp>
format to define where the completion apply in the
enum(value1|value2|…) an enum, taking on of the given values
flags(value1|value2|…) a set of flags, taking a combination of the given
values joined by |.
Options value can be changed using the set commands:
:set [global,buffer,window] <option> <value> # buffer, window, or global scope
Option values can be different by scope, an option can have a global value, a
buffer value and a window value. The effective value of an option depends on
the current context. If we have a window in the context (interactive edition
for example), then the window value (if any) is used, if not we try the buffer
value (if we have a buffer in the context), and if not we use the global
That means that two windows on the same buffer can use different options (like
different filetype, or different tabstop). However, some options might end up
ignored if their scope is not in the command context
Writing a file never uses the window options for example, so any options
related to writing won’t be taken into account if set in the window scope (BOM
or eolformat for example).
New options can be declared using the :decl command
:decl [-hidden] <type> <name> [<value>]
The -hidden parameter makes the option invisible in completion, but still
Some options are built in Kakoune, and can be used to control its behaviour
tabstop int width of a tab character.
indentwidth int width (in spaces) used for indentation.
0 means a tab character.
scrolloff coord number of lines,columns to keep visible
around the cursor when scrolling.
eolformat enum(lf|crlf) the format of end of lines when writing
a buffer, this is autodetected on load;
values of this option assigned to the
window scope are ignored
BOM enum(none|utf8) define if the file should be written
with a unicode byte order mark.
Values of this option assigned to the
window scope are ignored
readonly bool prevent modifications from being saved
to disk, all buffers if set to true in
the global scope, or current buffer if
set in the buffer scope; values of this
option assigned to the window scope are
incsearch bool execute search as it is typed
aligntab bool use tabs for alignment command
autoinfo flags(command|onkey|normal) display automatic information box in the
enabled contexts.
autoshowcompl bool automatically display possible
completions when editing a prompt.
ignored_files regex filenames matching this regex won’t be
considered as candidates on filename
completion (except if the text being
completed already matches it).
disabled_hooks regex hooks whose group matches this regex
won’t be executed.
For example indentation hooks can be
disabled with '.*-indent'.
filetype str arbitrary string defining the type of
the file filetype dependant actions
should hook on this option changing for
path str-list directories to search for gf command.
completers str-list completion systems to use for insert
mode completion. The given completers
are tried in order until one generate
some completion candidates.
Existing completers are:
word=all complete using words in
all buffers
word=buffer complete using words in
only the current one
filename tries to detect when a
filename is being entered
and provides completion
based on local filesystem.
where <opt-name> is a
completions option.
static_words str-list list of words that are always added to
completion candidates when completing
words in insert mode.
completions_extra_word_chars str a string containing all additional
character that should be considered as
word character for the purpose of insert
mode completion.
autoreload enum(yes|no|ask) auto reload the buffers when an external
modification is detected.
debug flags(hooks|shell|profile) dump various debug information in the
debug buffer.
idle_timeout int timeout, in milliseconds, with no user
input that will trigger the InsertIdle
and NormalIdle hooks.
fs_checkout_timeout int timeout, in milliseconds, between checks
in normal mode of modifications of the
file associated with the current buffer
on the filesystem.
modelinefmt string A format string used to generate the
mode line, that string is first expanded
as a command line would be (expanding
%…{…} strings), then markup tags are
applied (see Markup strings). Two
special atoms are available as markup:
{{mode_info}} with information about the
current mode (example insert 3 sel), and
{{context_info}} with information such
as if the file has been modified
(with [+]), or if it is new
(with [new file]).
ui_options colon separated list of key=value pairs
that are forwarded to the user interface
The NCurses UI supports the following
ncurses_set_title if yes or true, the terminal emulator
title will be changed.
ncurses_status_on_top if yes, or true the status line will
be placed at the top of the terminal
rather than at the bottom.
ncurses_assistant specify the nice assistant you get in
info boxes, can be 'clippy', 'cat',
'dilbert' or 'none'
ncurses_enable_mouse boolean option that enables mouse
ncurses_change_colors boolean option that can disable color
palette changing if the terminfo
enables it but the terminal does not
support it.
ncurses_wheel_down_button specify which button send for wheel
down events.
ncurses_wheel_up_button specify which button send for wheel
up events.
I use kak for writing emails, and I store all my email adress contacts in a file, on per line, like
Joe Bla <joe.bla@gmail.com>
G z <g.z@a.com>
I'd like each line to appear as a possible auto-completion candidate. Is this possible?
i use something like this:
set window static_words "%sh{tr '\n' ':' < ~/.contacts | cut -b 1-}"
set window completion_extra_word_char @
for your desired filetype.
starting with @ in insert mode will give you the complete list to cycle through.
Use kakoune as an IDE
As a convention, many commands respect the toolsclient, docsclient and jumpclient options. These string options store the name of the client to use. toolsclient will be used for :make and :grep commands, when an entry is selected in them, they will try to open the file in the jumpclient client. The :man and :doc commands will display their content in the docsclient.
If neither of those options are defined, it will fallback on the current client.
Here’s a small snippet you can trigger to launch multiple clients and bind them to the right options:
def ide %{
rename-client main
set global jumpclient main
new rename-client tools
set global toolsclient tools
new rename-client docs
set global docsclient docs
Then it’s up to tmux or your window manager to fit them correctly on your monitor.
How to make x select lines downward, and X - select lines upward.
more here https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/issues/1285
def -hidden -params 1 extend-line-down %{
exec "<a-:>%arg{1}X"
def -hidden -params 1 extend-line-up %{
exec "<a-:><a-;>%arg{1}K<a-x>"
map global normal x ":extend-line-down %val{count}<ret>"
map global normal X ":extend-line-up %val{count}<ret>"